CCB Public Workshop on Health

Date of next workshop - TBD

The Center for Circadian Biology presents a half-day workshop designed to provide a-state-of-the-field but accessible examination of the significant impact of modern 24/7 lifestyles and environments on a body’s internal circadian clocks and sleep, and how these affect health and disease risk. From world-renowned experts, you will learn basic principles of clock function, the impact of exercise, light, and food on circadian rhythms and sleep, and practical strategies to optimally align these external clock cues for good health.

This workshop is primarily designed for professionals whose duties involve working in the evening or at night, managers who schedule or supervise shift-workers, and medical and other service providers to these workers. Members of the public interested in sleep, jet-lag and other phenomena of daily timing will benefit also.


Work Objectives

  • Increase public awareness regarding impact of lifestyle behaviors and environmental conditions on circadian rhythms and sleep, and evidence-supported strategies to minimize health risks
  • Discover how modern 24/7 lifestyles, including timing of exercise, light exposure, and food intake influence body clocks, sleep, and health
  • Discuss daily strategies for improving body clocks and sleep, metabolism, and health through modest changes in personal, workplace, and community-based practices