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Fostering innovative research that reveals the mechanisms, general principles, and applications of biological rhythms in diverse organisms.


What are Circadian Rhythms?

Circadian rhythms are biological oscillations that recur with a period of approximately one day. Health issues related to circadian rhythms include jet lag, shift work, seasonal depression, and time-of-day variations in response to medical treatments. Our Center is focused on these circadian rhythms, the underlying biological clock mechanisms that drive the rhythms, and their implications for human health and agriculture.

Our Services

The CCB offers administrative support to improve the effectiveness of circadian biology research programs and to facilitate multi-investigator interactions, including:

  • Support for submitting applications and administering grants that cross departmental borders, involve multiple investigators, or provide fellowship support for jointly-sponsored students and postdocs.
  • Serving as a university affiliation for research personnel, such as sabbatical visitors.
  • Help in identifying research funding sources and opportunities and investigating and interpreting the submission instructions to ensure a solid application.

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