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15th Annual Circadian Biology Symposium: March 20-21, 2025 at UC San Diego

UC San Diego's Center for Circadian Biology will host the 15th Annual Circadian Biology Symposium "Biological Timekeeping, Aging, and Disease" to be held at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography - Forum Auditorium, UC San Diego.

Registration coming soon!
We have invited a select, stellar group of speakers (locally, around the country, and beyond). This symposium attracts leaders in the field, with active participation from our 61 CCB Membership PIs. We welcome and encourage registrants from your research personnel, other institutions, and industry.

Sponsorship information
Symposium Flyer

Please consider donating toward scholarships to enhance the inclusion of diverse students at the symposium:Donate Button
The aims of the conference are to:

  1. Provide participants with a comprehensive view of modern circadian biology.
  2. Exchange a broad spectrum of ideas and techniques in circadian biology.
  3. Promote interactions among the faculty and lab personnel of UC San Diego, Circadian Biology Center, the invited speakers, and other participants.
  4. Further acquaint the speakers, their groups, and other registrants with the depth and breadth of circadian biology research conducted at UC San Diego.


Registration coming soon!

Sessions will begin at 9:00am each day and end 5:00pm. Join us on Thursday evening 5:00pm to 6:00pm for the poster session & happy hour networking event, as well as, the Friday evening banquet & poster awards ceremony. Breakfast will be served at 8:30am each morning.
Registration includes: 2-day symposium; Friday banquet dinner & awards ceremony; daily breakfast, lunch, and refreshment breaks.

Registration Types:

  • Student Registration - Students and Postdocs from all institutions (includes CCB trainees)
  • CCB Members - Official Membership (includes those featured on the CCB website under the people pages)
  • Regular Registration - All other attendees
  • Banquet guest add-on - Add a guest for the closing banquet (be prepared to include guest name)


Poster Session

We welcome our registered attendees to participate in a poster session to be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00pm. Priority for limited space will be given to students and postdocs. Four prizes will be awarded ($75 Amazon gift card); winners will be announced during the banquet dinner.

Sign-up and poster guidelines are coming soon!



Contact Pattie Stoughton for assistance.

Network Awards

CCB will award a limited number of scholarships to to enable undergraduates, gap-year students working towards a graduate program, Masters and PhD students, and scientists within the first 48 months of postdoctoral training to attend this symposium.

Network Awards will fund trainees whose activities and experiences contribute to expanding the diversity of scientists involved in biological rhythms research.

Recipients of the award will receive a full registration scholarship. Recipients from outside of the San Diego area will also be reimbursed for travel and housing expenses to fully support attending the conference.

Applications include this form, a short CV uploaded with this form, and a statement from your mentor triggered by completion of this form. 

Application information comeing soon!



Sponsorship Information - An exciting event and opportunity

The Annual Symposium, hosted by the Center for Circadian Biology (CCB) at UC San Diego, brings together over 200 attendees.

Sponsorship program

The symposium features an unparalleled breadth and depth of leading-edge research and groundbreaking biological timing discoveries in plants, animals and humans, and spans molecular biology to clinical applications. By sponsoring, you will join the Who’s Who in circadian research in this exciting venture and help us invent the future.

To become a sponsor or learn more, please contact:

Pattie Stoughton -

Ana Minvielle -



For additional information, please contact:

Pattie Stoughton
Research Administrator
Center for Circadian Biology (CCB)
University of California, San Diego


Many thanks to our generous sponsors of 2025