

Susan GoldenSusan S. Golden

amir zAmir Zarrinpar
Associate Director

Molecular & Cellular Clock Mechanisms

  • Stuart Brody

    Stuart Brody

    Professor Emeritus
    Molecular Biology, UC San Diego
    Research areas:
    Metabolism and circadian rhythms in Neurospora

  • Joanne Chory

    Joanne Chory

    Plant Molecular & Cellular Biology, Salk Institute
    Research areas: Regulation of plant growth and flowering

  • Susan Golden

    Susan Golden

    Distinguished Professor and Director
    Molecular Biology & Center for Circadian Biology, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Circadian rhythms in cyanobacteria

  • Nan Hao

    Nan Hao

    Assistant Professor
    Molecular Biology, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Molecular oscillations during cell aging
  • Todd Michael

    Todd Michael

    Research Professor
    Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Laboratory,
    The Salk Institute for Biological Studies
    Research areas: Genomics of the plant circadian clock

  • Jose Pruneda-Paz

    Jose Pruneda-Paz

    Associate Professor
    Cell and Developmental Biology, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Regulation of plant defense responses

  • Gurol Suel

    Gurol Suel

    Molecular Biology, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Quantitative approaches to emergent dynamics in microbial systems

Vision, Signaling, & Circuits

  • Mark Ellisman

    Mark Ellisman

    Neurosciences - School of Medicine, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Neurobiological and clinical research

  • Ronald Evans

    Ronald Evans

    Gene Expression & Cellular Biology, Salk Institute
    Research areas: Circadian links to hormone receptors and metabolism

  • Donald MacLeod

    Donald MacLeod

    Psychology, UC San Diego
    Research areas: How we see: Neural mechanisms in retina or brain

  • Emily Manoogian

    Emily Manoogian

    Staff Scientist
    Clinical Research, Salk Institute for Biological Studies
    Research areas: Time-Restricted Eating, Shift Work
  • Marc Montminy

    Marc Montminy

    Peptide & Cellular Biology, Salk Institute
    Research areas: CREB signaling and the clock

  • Satchidananda Panda

    Satchidananda Panda

    Regulatory & Cellular Biology, Salk Institute
    Research areas: Melanopsin-based circadian entrainment

    Dr. Panda's Research:

    Watch Dr. Panda's talk for TEDxBeaconStreet held at the Kennedy Library November 2017.

Oscillator Networks

  • William Bechtel

    William Bechtel

    Philosophy, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Philosophy and history of science

  • Jeff Hasty

    Jeff Hasty

    Molecular Biology & Bioengineering, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Synthetic gene networks in microorganisms

  • Terence Hwa

    Terence Hwa

    Physics & Molecular Biology, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Genetic circuits and metabolic control

  • Padmini Rangamani

    Padmini Rangamani

    Professor and Jacobs Faculty Scholar
    Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, UC San Diego
    Research Areas: Biophysical modeling of cellular mechanotransduction
  • Nikolai Rulkov

    Nikolai Rulkov

    Research Scientist
    BioCircuits Institute, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Oscillations and synchronization in neurobiological networks

  • Terry Sejnowski

    Terry Sejnowski

    Professor, Computational Neurobiology Laboratory, Salk Institute
    Distinguished Professor, Neurobiology & Engineering, UC San Diego

    Neurobiology & Engineering, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Thalamocortical rhythms

  • Benjamin Smarr

    Benjamin Smarr

    Assistant Professor
    Bioengineering and Halicioglu Data Science Institute, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Mapping and mining biological timeseries
  • Lev Tsimring

    Lev Tsimring

    Research Scientist
    BioCircuits Institute, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Spatio-temporal dynamics of biological networks and circuits

Behavior, Metabolism, & Reproduction

  • Pieter Dorrestein

    Pieter Dorrestein

    Pharmacology and Pediatrics, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Circadian rhythms in the microbiome and chemical crosstalk among microorganisms

  • Jeff Elliott

    Jeff Elliott

    Project Scientist
    Center for Circadian Biology, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Circadian and photic regulation of behavior and melatonin

  • Michael Gorman

    Michael Gorman

    Psychology, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Photoperiodism in mammalian clocks

    Dr. Gorman's Research:

    Watch an interview with Dr. Gorman about his research, produced by members of the BioClock Studio Winter 2017 at UC San Diego.

  • Ralph Greenspan

    Ralph Greenspan

    Neurobiology, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Sleep and circadian rhythms in Drosophila and Paramecium

  • Alexander Kauffman

    Alexander Kauffman

    Associate Professor
    Reproductive Medicine - School of Medicine, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Circadian and seasonal regulation of reproduction

    Dr. Kauffman's Research:

    Watch an interview with Dr. Kauffman about his research, produced by members of the BioClock Studio Winter 2017 at UC San Diego.

  • Rob Knight

    Rob Knight

    Pediatrics and Computer Science & Engineering, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Circadian rhythms in microbiome

  • Katja Lamia

    Katja Lamia

    Associate Professor
    Molecular Medicine, Scripps Research
    Research areas: Circadian rhythms and metabolism in mammals

    Dr. Lamia's Research:

    Watch an interview with Dr. Lamia about her research, produced by members of the BioClock Studio Winter 2017 at UC San Diego.

  • Pamela Mellon

    Pamela Mellon

    Distinguished Professor
    Reproductive Medicine - School of Medicine, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Rhythms in mammalian reproduction

  • Dorothy D. Sears

    Dorothy D. Sears

    Endocrinology and Metabolism - School of Medicine, UC San Diego
    Research Areas: Eating behaviors, obesity & chronic disease risk

    Dr. Sears' Research:

    Watch an interview with Dr. Sears about her research, produced by members of the BioClock Studio Winter 2017 at UC San Diego.

  • Karen Tonsfeldt

    Karen Tonsfeldt

    Assistant Project Scientist
    Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences
    Research Areas: Neuroendocrinology and suprachiasmatic nucleus function

  • Nicholas Webster

    Nicholas Webster

    Endocrinology and Metabolism - School of Medicine, UC San Diego
    Research Areas: Neuroendocrinology of metabolism and obesity, and its impact on cancer
  • Amir Zarrinpar

    Amir Zarrinpar

    Associate Professor
    Medicine - School of Medicine, UC San Diego
    Research Areas: Circadian rhythms, gut microbiome, and metabolism

Sleep & Cognition

  • Sonia Ancoli-Israel

    Sonia Ancoli-Israel

    Professor Emeritus
    Psychiatry - School of Medicine, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Sleep and circadian rhythms in normal aging, neurodegenerative disease and cancer

    Dr. Ancoli-Israel's Research:

    Watch an interview with Dr. Ancoli-Israel about her research, produced by members of the BioClock Studio Winter 2017 at UC San Diego.

  • Paula Desplats

    Paula Desplats

    Associate Professor
    Neurosciences, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Epigenetic regulation of circadian clock genes in dementia

    Dr. Desplats' Research:

    Watch an interview with Dr. Desplats about her research, produced by members of the BioClock Studio Winter 2017 at UC San Diego.

  • William Joiner

    William Joiner

    Associate Professor
    Pharmacology, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Sleep and anesthesia sensitivity in Drosophila

    Dr. Joiner's Research:

    Watch an interview with Dr. Joiner about his research, produced by members of the BioClock Studio Winter 2017 at UC San Diego.

  • Atul Malhotra

    Atul Malhotra

    Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine - School of Medicine, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Sleep apnea pathogenesis and pathophysiology

  • Timothy Rickard

    Timothy Rickard

    Associate Professor
    Psychology, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Effects of circadian rhythms and sleeping on learning

  • Robert Owens

    Robert Owens

    Assistant Clinical Professor
    Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine - School of Medicine, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Sleep apnea and lung disease, Sleep and delirium in ICU


  • Davide Dulcis

    Davide Dulcis

    Associate Professor
    Psychiatry - School of Medicine, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Light, neurotransmitter plasticity, and mood

    Dr. Dulcis' Research:

    Watch an interview with Dr. Dulcis about his research, produced by members of the BioClock Studio Winter 2017 at UC San Diego.

  • John Kelsoe

    John Kelsoe

    Psychiatry - School of Medicine, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Circadian Clock Genes in Bipolar Disorder

  • Daniel Kripke

    Daniel Kripke

    Professor Emeritus
    Psychiatry - School of Medicine, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Bright light treatment and human circadian genes

  • Michael McCarthy

    Michael McCarthy

    Associate Professor
    Psychiatry - School of Medicine, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Circadian clock abnormalities in psychiatric disorders

  • Caroline Nievergelt

    Caroline Nievergelt

    Associate Professor
    Psychiatry - School of Medicine, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Role of circadian genes in human sleep & mood disorders

  • Barbara Parry

    Barbara Parry

    Psychiatry - School of Medicine, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Chronobiology of mood disorders in women

  • Nick Spitzer

    Nick Spitzer

    Distinguished Professor
    Neurobiology, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Neurotransmitter respecification and behavior

  • David Welsh

    David Welsh

    Professor Emeritus
    Psychiatry - School of Medicine, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Circadian rhythms in single mammalian cells

  • Jared Young

    Jared Young

    Assistant Professor
    Psychiatry - School of Medicine, UC San Diego
    Research areas: Neuropsychopharmacology of cognitive/behavioral/mood disorders

Associate Members

  • Christopher Colwell

    Christopher Colwell

    Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, UCLA
    Research areas: Circadian dysfunction in diseases of the nervous system
  • Gena Glickman

    Gena Glickman

    Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Neuroscience
    Uniformed Services University
    Research areas: Circadian rhythms & biological effects of light in mammals

  • Liz Harrison

    Liz Harrison

    Research Scientist
    Naval Health Research Center
    Research areas: Circadian rhythms and shiftwork

  • Andy LiWang

    Andy LiWang

    Quantitative and Systems Biology, UC Merced
    Research areas: Circadian mechanisms in cyanobacteria

    Dr. LiWang's Research:

    Watch an interview with Dr. LiWang about his research, produced by members of the BioClock Studio Winter 2017 at UC San Diego.

  • Carrie Partch

    Carrie Partch

    Associate Professor
    Chemistry and Biochemistry, UC Santa Cruz
    Research areas: Structural and mechanic studies of mammalian clock proteins

    Dr. Partch's Research:

    Watch an interview with Dr. Partch about her research, produced by members of the BioClock Studio Winter 2017 at UC San Diego.

Affiliate Members

  • Susan Cohen

    Susan Cohen

    Assistant Professor
    Biological Sciences, California State University, Los Angeles
    Research areas: Circadian rhythms in cyanobacteria
  • Todd C. Holmes

    Todd C. Holmes

    Physiology & Biophysics - School of Medicine, UC Irvine
    Research areas: Neural circuits and behavior; circadian and visual circuits

  • Steve Kay

    Steve Kay

    Provost Professor
    Neurology, Biomedical Engineering and Biological Sciences, USC
    Research Areas: Composition and architecture of complex regulatory networks in plants and animals
  • Jennifer L. Martin

    Jennifer L. Martin

    Professor of Medicine
    David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
    Associate Director, Clinical and Health Services Research, Geriatric Research,
    Education and Clinical Center, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System 
    Research Areas: Sleep disorders in special populations, innovative interventions for insomnia
  • Sara Mednick

    Sara Mednick

    Cognitive Science, UC Irvine
    Research areas: Role of sleep in human memory consolidation

  • Dawn Nagel

    Dawn Nagel

    Assistant Professor

    Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, UC Riverside
    Research Areas: Circadian regulation of temperature responses in plants

  • Ketema Paul

    Ketema Paul

    Associate Professor
    Integrative Biology and Physiology, UC Los Angeles
    Research areas: Circadian regulation of sleep
  • Gina R. Poe

    Gina R. Poe

    Departments of Integrative Biology & Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, UCLA
    Research areas: Sleep traits for memory consolidation and mental health